Free Christmas Gift Tracker Printable

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Have you noticed how hard it is to remember who gave what gift and to who at Christmas? And the more kids you add the harder it gets!

This year I decided enough was enough. Something needed to change. I decided to switch to my Mom and Dad’s system!

Free Christmas Gift Tracker Printable

Dad sat down with pen and paper and kept track of who gave each gift and to whom it was given.

Dad had a great system, but I really didn’t want to use plain paper. Instead, I created this cute Christmas gift tracker printable to use.

It has three columns and checkboxes down the left-hand side.

The columns are:

  • Gift – I don’t know about your kids, but my kids disappear quickly with their gifts or toss their gifts into a giant pile. And I have mom-brain. I always forget what gifts they were given who gave the gifts! So this column is to simply state what the gift is.
  • To – Write your child’s full name or initial in this column to note who received the gift.
  • From – Again I suspect this is also an obvious column. Who gave the gift? I don’t use initials in this column. It quickly gets too complicated to figure out what the various letters mean especially when we’re dealing with extended family.
  • Checkbox – On the left-hand side of the checklist, you’ll see a series of checkboxes running down the side. The purpose is so that you can keep track of thank-you letters. Check off the box once a thank-you letter is written and ready to mail. You’ll quickly see which child is avoiding sending out thank-you letters and which child is on the ball!

Now on December 26th, you won’t be stressing and trying to remember who gave which gift to which child.

Instead, you’ll have all the information you need neatly listed on the gift tracker sheet. And you can even track whether or not you’ve sent thank you letters to family and friends!

Download your gift tracker here!

Recommended Reading:

free Christmas gift tracker printable

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    1. My husband actually uses an excel spreadsheet for this purpose. I tend to write down things everywhere so this will be good for me. Thank you

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