Top 10 Elementary Science Tips
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If you’re struggling and stressing over elementary science, you’re doing it wrong.
Elementary science should be easy and fun to teach. After all, we’re introducing our children to the wonders of the world.
Here are 10 wonderful tips to take the dull drums out of elementary science and inject some fun into it today.
1. Nature Study
Kids are fascinated by the world around them. They’ll hunt ants, chase birds, and hunt butterflies. The sky amazes them. Stars are there to be admired. It’s the perfect time to explore nature with your children.
Go on long nature hikes and study the world. Stop to point out marvels on the way. It may be the slug eating a leaf, a monarch butterfly dancing from flower to flower, or a beautiful rock.
Encourage your child’s interest in these small details of life.
2. Science Basket
Keep a science basket full of great science books and science encyclopedias such as the Usborne Science Encyclopedia and Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
Spend time browsing the library shelves to find books you find interesting or choose topics you’ve run across on your nature hikes.
Then leave the books in your book basket for your children to read.
3. Backyard Square
Take 4 pegs, some twine, and a yardstick to map out a square in the backyard.
Over the year, watch the square. Note tracks that appear, worms, plants, and birds. Keep a journal to log what’s happening in the square each morning. How do the plants change as the seasons change? Do different types of birds visit at different times of the day?
Backyard squares are a wonderful way of bringing nature studies home.
4. Science Museums
Science museums are magical places of strange effects and exhibits.
Take as many opportunities as you can to drop by them. You never know what interest will be kindled by the experience. One child may adore the light show, another may be fascinated by whales, a third may be enthralled by stars.
Give your kids the child to experience the wonders of the universe in a new light.
5. Elementary Science Supplies
Keep plenty of science supplies around.
The main reason everyone skips science experiments is that the supplies aren’t around. Then you forget to put the supplies on the list for later. The experiments never get done.
Purchase as many items as you can during the summer so you don’t need to skip experiments in the middle of winter.
6. Science Kits
By the same token, science kits are wonderful.
They provide all the supplies needed and open the door to some truly unique learning opportunities at home. You can give science kits as gifts for Christmas and birthdays. And your kids will spend many happy hours playing, creating, and learning.
After all, what kid is going to complain about the Scientific Explorer Tasty Science Kit!
7. Gross Is Awesome
Elementary kids love gross things.
Slimy worms are cool. Slugs are fascinating, and oozy mud is awesome. Don’t skip experiments that might be gross. What is elementary science without trying to gross your kids out?
Kids love the gross stuff of life.
8. Follow Interests
If your child shows an interest in a topic, follow it.
Check out books from the library. Purchase kits. Don’t worry about your regular science studies for a few weeks. Instead, nurture your child’s interest. You won’t miss a vital topic at this age.
But you will encourage a lifelong love of science!
9. Explore New Topics
While you want to follow your child’s interests, remember to explore new science topics with your child.
After all, you never know when a new concept is going to spark your kid’s imagination and lead to a new passion. Do science experiments, read books, and encourage your kids to play with the ideas. Sometimes it takes time for kids to warm up to new topics.
And remember: we’re opening doors, not closing them, in elementary science.
10. Have Fun
The most important part of elementary science is to have fun and enjoy yourselves.
Science is a fascinating subject to delve into. Take your kids outside and explore nature. Learn how the body works, the stars, and the moon. You also learn about rocks, trees, and plants.
Have fun and explore the world with your child.
Recommended Reading
- How to Start Exploring Nature with Children
- Studying the History of Science with Beautiful Feet Books
- 7 Amazing, Gross, and Fun Science Kits for Kids
- How to Teach Science Without a Curriculum
- 8 Reasons Why You Should Buy Homeschool Science Kits

These are awesome tips! I have a couple of Elementary kids who LOVE Science, but like you said, Momma tends to put it off over and over again. I’m thinking Science might be a Saturday class that Daddy teaches starting next year ;D HAHA!
Found you at I Choose Joy! Link UP
I’ve had many friends who swear by the Saturday classes for science. It’s a great method for getting science done! 🙂
I Love this List! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks, Erin!
Well, I love all science and my elementary age son likes any hands-on science study or learning about animals. I try to keep science fun for him, so he will grow to love it!
The elementary years are a great time to keep science and other learning fun. There are tons of great projects, experiments, and topics to cover with the kids. I love the elementary years. 🙂
This is an excellent and helpful post Sara, thank you so much for sharing with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
Thanks, Terri. 🙂