3 Reasons You Need an Open and Go Curriculum

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Have you thought about using an open and go curriculum?

I received Learning Language Arts for Literature, an open and go curriculum, for free and was compensated for my time. All opinions are my honest opinions and I was not required to post a positive review. For more information, please read my disclosure.

Are you struggling to homeschool each morning?

Do your kids whine about the number of subjects they need to complete each day?

You Need an Open and Go  Curriculum

I love open and go curricula. They save me time, frustration, and money.

And here’s why I think you should use an open and go curriculum as well!

Homeschool Planning Is a Breeze

Have you ever spent the weekend planning your children’s language arts studies for the weekend? Frustrating, isn’t it.

You can’t enjoy time with your family, because you’re hiding in the bedroom with a pile of books.

Or heading down to the library to find just the book you need for that week’s studies.

Or dashing to the store to find the material you need for the week.

Planning is time-consuming!

But there’s a better way to homeschool.

See, with an open and go curriculum, you don’t need to spend your weekend planning.

Because on Monday morning, you simply open up to that day’s lesson and start teaching.

Everything you need is there!

And to make life super simple, use a paper clip to keep your place in the books. Now you don’t even need to search for your spot!

So instead of spending your weekend planning, you’ll enjoy a relaxing evening with your husband. Go hiking with your kids. And take a spontaneous trip to the zoo.

That’s the gift of an open and go curriculum!

You Don’t Need a Pile of Programs with an open and go curriculum

With an open and go curriculum like Learning Language Arts Through Literature, you don’t need to add any extra programs.

It includes everything your child needs to know for their specific grade level.

You can supplement if you find a gap in your child’s understanding. But you don’t have to. Everything you need for language arts is right at your fingertips!

I love it!

And my kids don’t argue about doing schoolwork when they see only see one program to complete. Unlike the days when they had a curriculum for spelling, grammar, writing, vocabulary, and reading.

Whew. That was exhausting just to write!

We’re much happier with one open and go curriculum than working through a pile of books a mile high.

And just think of the money you save by not having to purchase 5 different curricula to teach language arts.

All you need to do is purchase one program.

Simplifies Your Homeschool

An open and go curriculum simplifies my life.

Weekends are mine to enjoy guilt-free, because I know we’re ready for the week ahead.

And I don’t need to worry about keeping up in a bunch of different programs, because we’re using one all-inclusive book.

Plus we don’t need a bunch of different resources or books.

Nor do we need a pile of materials.

Language Arts is simple and easily completed each morning.

The kids grab their language arts book, I sit down to explain what we’re doing, and away we go.

Homeschooling needs to be simple. Otherwise, you get bogged down and fall behind.

Learning Language Arts Through Literature simplifies language arts and keeps it manageable.

What’s included in the 5th grade Language Arts Curriculum?

Learning Language Arts through Literature Purple Book includes everything thing you need for 5th-grade language arts.

It includes grammar, vocabulary, spelling, reading, composition, research skills, and higher-order thinking skills.

Student Book

The student book is wonderful! It’s written to the kids and includes plenty of space for the kids to write in the book itself.

I don’t know about your kids, but mine are much more willing to fill in a workbook than they are to write on a blank sheet of paper.

And I love the workbook approach.

Kids are able to complete much of the work independently which is a life-saver in a large family!

And since the lessons are written to your child, it walks your kids through the specific steps needed to complete the assignments.

Specific steps such as:

Begin writing about one-third of the way down on your paper. Write two or three sentences describing the event, writing on every other line.

These types of instructions take the burden of teaching your children off your shoulders. The curriculum teaches the kids.

You simply take the role of tutor and mentor. And add more explanations as needed.

Teacher Book

The second part of the Learning Language Arts Curriculum is the Teacher Book.

The book includes a view of what your children see in their workbooks. I love being able to see exactly what my kids see in their workbooks. It saves me time.

Plus the Teacher Book includes answers and notes in the margins.

So you see notes that remind you to add misspelled words to your child’s spelling list.

You see notes that let you know a list of words is an exception to this rule.

These notes make it easier for me to give my kids an excellent education.

This ultimately is why I’m homeschooling my kids: so I can give my kids an excellent education at the kitchen table while still having time to enjoy my family.

So check out Learning Language Arts Through Literature today!

See for yourself how Learning Language Arts Through Literature

  • Makes planning a breeze
  • Saves you time and money
  • And simplifies your homeschool.
you need an open and go curriculum

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