Now It’s Time for a Quick Tidy of the House

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One of the things you’ll notice as you complete your daily tasks is how much cleaner the house is in spots.

The bathroom is tidy. The kitchen stays fairly clean. And kids are no longer diving into mountains of laundry search for socks.

But we can’t stop here. The next big mess that needs to be dealt with on a daily basis is a daily pick-up in the house. Or a daily tidy.

Tidy the House FAST

I’m not talking about scrubbing down the house. I’m talking about getting the house back in order.

My kids pull out toy cars and line them up for races down the hallway.  The dinosaurs and my math teddy bears go to war in the boy’s bedroom. Stuffed animals and dolls enjoy tea in the living room. Teenagers leave books and papers piled around the house.

The house is a mess by the end of the day.

And I’m willing to bet yours is as well.

The trick to keeping the clutter under control isn’t buying a bigger house. The kids will simply spread to fill up the larger area!

No, the trick is to have one or two times each day for cleaning the house.

Tidy the House Fast Once or Twice a Day

inside: It's week 4 of the You Can Have a Clean House While Homeschooling! This week you're to tidy the house fast so you can enjoy a peaceful evening

Before dinner is perfect.

The kids run around and pick up their toys. I have an older teen quickly sweep and vacuum our main living areas.

By the time dinner is set on the table, the house is ready for a relaxing evening.

Having the kids tidy the house before lunch and before you leave the house is a good idea as well.

Tidying the house before lunch keeps the toys from getting out of control. I’ve also found kids play better in a tidy room. They have room to spread out in a new game.

Tidying the house before we leave for afternoon activities saves my sanity! Who knows what happens while you’re out. The kids fall in a mud puddle and need a bath the moment they return home.

You’ve been dealing with intense conversations with friends and just want a relaxing meal with your family.

And who wants to clean the moment you return home!

But I do want to point out, you’re not doing a thorough clean. You’re picking up toys, sweeping or vacuuming dirt and crumbs off the floor, and preparing for a relaxing evening.

Aim to spend 15 minutes or less tidying!

So your goal for this week is to set a time every day to round up the kids and clean the house.

You can choose two times, but it’s more important to quickly run through your evening pick up before or after dinner.

And the house will be reset for evening activities.

4 Tips for Getting Kids to Help Tidy the House Fast

  • Have kids pick up their own toys. Just remember that small kids get overwhelmed by the size of the mess and will need help. Give them a quick job, such as picking up the toy cars.
  • Race the kids. I bet you can’t get the cars picked up before I pick up the dolls! (Then slow down so it’s possible for your young kid to win, barely!)
  • Put chores before something fun such as leaving the house to go to the park, watching TV, or playing board games.
  • Set the buzzer for 15 minutes and race the clock. Can you have the house tidy before the buzzer goes off?


Remember to get the kids involved!

Younger kids can pick up their toy while older kids can help with a quick sweep or vacuum.

>>> Now go tidy your house!

Don’t forget to check back next week for week 5 of the You Can Have a Clean House and Homeschool Challenge!

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