Mr D ACT Math Bootcamp Review

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Mr. D’s ACT math bootcamp review

I received a free subscription to the ACT Math Bootcamp and was compensated for my time to create this post. All opinions are mine and I was not required to give a positive review. For more information, please read my disclosure policy.

The college entrance exams are terrifying as you approach high school graduation.

Scores can be a make or break as to getting into the schools you want to attend. Other schools use the scores as placement exams. Either way, we want our kids to receive a high score on the ACT.

We worry our kids learned enough math to do well on the ACT.

Mr. D’s ACT Math Bootcamp

Enter Mr. D’s ACT Math Bootcamp. Mr. DiNoia has 25 years of experience in education and has developed an online high school math curriculum.

In addition, he offers courses specifically on improving kids’ math scores on the SAT and ACT standardized tests, and I was delighted to have an opportunity to sit in and audit one of the ACT Math Bootcamp sessions.

The ACT Math Bootcamp is a live, online class.

Mr. DiNoia of Mr. D Math greets students as they arrive. You’re able to see Mr. D and text him.

However the chat between students is turned off, so you can’t see what anyone else types to Mr. D. This does an awesome job of keeping everyone’s attention on Mr. D.

The session I attended was the last class before the kids took the ACT test.

Mr. D was careful to remind everyone to continue working through practice problems over the week and to email him if they ran into any difficult questions.

Actually, he reminded the students to email him several times over the session and again at the end.

The class was spent going through the practice test together.

The sessions are spent working through the math section of practice tests together.

Mr. D explains his system of solving math problems, makes certain you know where to start when attacking a problem and gives tips to help you find the correct answer.

In the session I audited, the class began where it had left off the week before. Mr. D introduced the problem and gave everyone time to solve it. Mr. D was friendly, helpful, and thrilled to answer questions as they arose.

I attempted the first problem myself and got an obviously incorrect answer.

It wasn’t one of the 5 options for answers! I tried again, this time coming up with a better answer. However, I decided not to submit my answer like the students were doing as it’s been over 20 years since I last took a math class.

I’m thrilled to say it turns out I remember more than I thought.

Mr. D gives advice and tips for finding the correct answer.

As the class progressed through the practice test solving problem after problem, Mr. D gave all sorts of tips.

He reminded everyone of mathematical rules which covered the situation at hand. He gave testing tips. He even gave some insight into the thoughts of people who create math tests and explained what types of errors they were looking for people to make.

To be honest, I wished I’d learned these tips back when I was in school!

Mr. D’s Test Prep Portal

Mr D Math Test Portal

In addition to the live, online ACT Math BootCamp, Mr. D offers a Test Prep Portal. This portal has all sorts of useful study materials for high school teens.

There are writing rubrics to help you learn to write for the standardized tests, games for extra practice, and supplemental videos covering the ACT and the new SAT. Just take a look at the list below!

  • Writing Rubrics
  • Games for Student Practice
  • Mr. D Math SAT Video Library
  • SAT, ACT, PERT Practice
  • Practice Test for the New SAT – all areas
  • Mr. D Supplemental Videos for the New SAT
  • Mr. D Supplemental Videos for the ACT
  • EOC Practice
  • Mind Benders – Deductive Thinking
  • Resources – a list of links

Follow Mr. D

You can find Mr. D on these social media sites.

Improve ACT Math Test Scores

Mr. D’s ACT Math BootCamp includes everything your teenager needs to improve test scores. The live classes walk through the practice tests and give kids confidence that they can handle the questions given.

The Test Portal gives additional lectures and videos to cover concepts easily forgotten or misunderstood. It even includes additional practice tests so your child can practice the skills learned during the live classes.

If you’re looking to improve your teenager’s ACT Math Test scores so your child can attend the college of choice, Mr. D’s ACT Math BootCamp is an excellent class that will give your kid the needed skills for a better test score.

Check out Mr. D’s ACT Math BootCamp today!

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