40 Latin Resources for Your Homeschool
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40 Latin Resources for Your Homeschool
Are you looking for Latin resources or games to spice up your Latin studies? After all, we can only drill so long before everyone goes batty. Using fun worksheets or games changes up the studies, keeps us fresh, and makes learning fun.
Latin Resources
- Latin Printables and Prayer Folders
- Latin Master Charts: Verbs
- Latin Master Charts: Noun Declensions
- Free Homeschool Latin Practice Page
- Linney’s Latin Class
- Introduction to Latin
- Latin Games
- Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Latin Packets – Printable
- Favorite Free Latin Resources
- Latin Nouns Declension
- Root Word Trifolds
Games and Activities
- Latin Monkey Match Card Game
- Teaching Greek and Latin Roots
Veni Vidi Didici: Have Fun Learning Latin with Songs, Games, Puzzles and Jokes
- Nugue Latinae
- Language Software to Teach Latin and Homeric Greek Vocabulary
- Latin Quizzes
- Latin Find the Match Game
- Latin Scrabble
- Easy Latin Crossword Puzzles
Fairy Tales in Latin: Fabulae Mirabiles
- Winnie Ille Pu
- Arbor Alma/the Giving Tree
- Cattus Petasatus: The Cat in the Hat in Latin
- Alicia in Terra Mirabili
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Commentarii de Inepto Puero
Quomodo Invidiosulus Nomine Grinchus Christi Natalem Abrogaverit: How the Grinch Stole Christmas in Latin
- Hobbitus Ille: The Latin Hobbit
- Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)
- Harrius Potter et Camera Secretorum (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- The Latin Alphabet – Consonant Pronunciation
- The Latin Alphabet – Vowel Pronunciation
- Basic English Grammar for Learning Latin part 1
- Basic English Grammar for Learning Latin part 2
- Basic Latin Word Order
- Latin’s Case System
- How to Trill Your R
- Latin Immersion (CVVE 06)
- Adler Lesson 1
- Virgil’s Aeneid- Book 1: A complete Latin reading (english subtitles)
Books, videos, games, and other resources truly do make studying Latin more enjoyable for both parents and kids alike.
What are some of your favorite Latin books, games, videos, or other resources?
5 Days of Latin
Day 1: Why Study Latin
Day 2: Top Ten Tips for Teaching Latin
Day 3: Latin Curriculum Roundup
Day 4: How to Find Time for Latin
Day 5: 40 Latin Resources for Your Homeschool