Bring History to Life with Good Books Kids Love to Read

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Do you love reading good books aloud to your children? Do you adore literature and wish there was a way to study history through literature?

Then I have the perfect curriculum for you!

Study History Through Literature

It’s a modern American and World history curriculum designed for grades 5-8 that’s simply amazing! A curriculum that’s full of excellent books, detailed plans, a timeline, and writing assignments. And a curriculum designed as a read-aloud curriculum you can use with your 5th – 8th graders.

Beautiful Feet Books created a curriculum that’s flexible enough to allow you to stand aside. And let your voracious reader read!

And what is this amazing history curriculum?

Modern American and World History: A Literature Approach for Intermediate Grades

use good books to study history

The Modern American and World History Intermediate Pack from Beautiful Feet Books uses a literature approach to teach history.

What this means they use good books for their curriculum. You’ll love spending afternoons curled up on the sofa reading these amazing books aloud to your children. And you’ll also watch your kids reading these incredible books outside in the sun.

Modern American and World History uses a literature approach. The chronological lessons begin in 1860 with the events leading up to the American Civil War in lesson 1. It ends on lesson 117 covering, among other topics, September 11th and The Great Recession.

You Begin the curriculum by reading from a history book about the historical time period.

So when you’re learning about the Civil War, you begin by reading the appropriate chapters in A Child’s First Book of American HIstory. Then you set up a notebook and reserve pages at the back as a glossary. Often kids aren’t familiar with some of the words. So Beautiful Feet Books assigns time for you and your children to discuss obscure and advanced vocabulary used in the literature.

Discussion questions help you integrate the literature with the history.

These questions make kids think about the history going on at the time and why people acted the way they did. For instance, why would someone choose to join a war that he doesn’t think anyone will win?

Writing assignments are assigned in the Modern American and World History.

These assignments include writing about important battles. Or writing essays about characters. Or compiling biographical sketches. And remember, you can tailor these writing assignments to your kids. After all, an eighth-grader is ready for much more writing than a fifth-grader!

And if that isn’t enough, there’s even a timeline included with the curriculum!

The timeline includes beautifully detailed artwork for your children to color and paste. You’ll end up with a lovely piece of art hanging on your walls that the kids can use to reference and review history they’ve learned over the school year.

excellent literature is included in the curriculum.

These books aren’t your standard historical fiction. Instead, you’re assigned books that bring life and depth to the period you’re studying. Books that my daughter begged to read ahead of time. And she disappeared into her bedroom to be transported to another time and place.

Good Books Will Ignite Wonder in Your Kids

These books ignited wonder and curiosity in my kids. They encouraged long discussions. And they’re worth reading time and time again.

Modern American and World History includes these wonderful books:

  • A Child’s First Book of American HIstory by Earl Schenck Miers
  • Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt
  • The Perilous Road by William O. Steele
  • Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
  • Carver: A Life in Poems by Marilyn Nelson
  • Theodore Roosevelt by Genevieve Foster
  • The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation by Quentin Reynolds
  • Sergeant York by John Perry
  • The Singing Tree by Kate Serdy
  • Rascal by Sterling North
  • Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman by Gladys Aylward
  • Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor
  • House of Sixty Fathers by Meindert De Jong
  • War Boy: A Wartime Childhood by Michael Foreman
  • Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
  • Twenty and Ten by Claire Huchet Bishop
  • The Little Riders by Margaretha Shemin
  • Air Raid-Pearl Harbor by Theodore Taylor
  • Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Sook Nyul Choi
  • Echoes of the White Giraffe by Sook Byul Choi
  • A History of Us: All the People by Joy Hakim
  • Stealing Home: The Story of Jackie Robinson by Barry Denenberg
  • Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Haunh Quang Nhuong
  • Ronald Reagan: Our 40th President by Winston Groom

While I haven’t read all of these books, I’ve read many of them. And every single book I’ve read has been amazing. They bring the historical period to life, ignite wonder, and help my kids understand what’s going on in history.

Additional Information about Modern American and World History

  • The guide includes 117 lessons so if you’re using the traditional 36-week school year, you should complete 3-4 lessons a week to finish this curriculum in a school year. That being said, there’s enough material and meat for you to savor this curriculum over a longer period of time.
  • The lessons usually include reading 2-3 chapters, vocabulary work, and discussion questions. In addition, you’ll find writing assignments, timeline work, and additional optional resources to view online.
  • There’s an additional Picture Packet you may download at no additional cost.
  • An answer key can be found at the back of the course guide to facilitate discussions. Even if you’re not able to keep up with your voracious reader, you can still enjoy the discussions!

So if you’re looking for an amazing curriculum that will allow you to learn history through literature, Beautiful Feet Books’ Modern American and World History is what you’re looking for. It includes books that ignite wonder and curiosity in kids. Thoughtful discussion questions that lead to long conversations.

Advanced vocabulary is introduced before your kids see the words in their literature.

And just like when you’re studying the history of science with Beautiful Feet Books, you’re given a detailed guide that holds your hand as you learn history through literature.

So head over to Beautiful Feet Books and check out Modern American and World History Intermediate Pack today!

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