3 Awesome Ways to Create a Weekly Cleaning Routine
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Have you ever tried to homeschool on a table splattered with syrup? The papers keep sticking to the table! Kids complain. It’s quite simply a mess. While a good daily routine keeps the house tidy and crumbs at bay, you also need a weekly cleaning routine to go just a bit deeper.
You mop the floors, clean the fridge, and scrub the toilets. These probably aren’t your favorite jobs to do, but they do need to be done on a regular basis.
Create a weekly cleaning routine for a well-run house.
Schedule Rooms
One of the simplest weekly routines is to simply assign a room or task to each day of the week. Divide up your house into five areas or chores and assign each one to a day of the week.
Monday: Concentrate on cleaning the bathrooms on Monday. Don’t worry about the rest of the house beyond your daily routine. Just run through the house, making certain the bathrooms are scrubbed and cleaned.
Tuesday: Head into the living room and family room. Clean the main areas of the house where most of the living is down. Dust, sweep, and vacuum the rooms today. Consider also cleaning the dining room and eating areas in your house.
Wednesday: Clean the kitchen. I don’t know about you, but for my family, cleaning the kitchen is probably the biggest chore of the week.
Thursdays: While you can spend Thursdays focusing on the dining room and eating areas of your house, I prefer to schedule those rooms for Tuesdays and spend Thursdays running errands.
In a homeschooling family, there are always errands to run. Groceries need to be purchased. There’s the bank runs, drops by the post office, and runs to the library. Having a specific day for errands helps my house and homeschool flow smoothly.
Fridays: Focus on the bedrooms. Dust the rooms. Sweep and vacuum, and change sheets. It’s also a great time to have the kids focus on cleaning their individual rooms.
Focus for Each Day

In years past, you didn’t clean with a task or room in mind. Instead, each day had a different focus.
Mondays were traditionally laundry days. You’d do all your wash on Monday. It used to be that on Tuesdays, you’d focus on ironing and mending. Most plans today include ironing, mending, and sorting through clothing at the same time as you wash the clothing.
Tuesdays could be for shopping and errands. Often there are quite a few errands that build up over the course of the week. Instead of running errands constantly, focus on running errands just on Tuesdays. Make any appointments for this day and tell your family this is the one day you’ll drop by the bank or post office.
Wednesdays would be for focusing on the kitchen. This doesn’t just mean cleaning the kitchen. It also means doing any baking and meal preparation you’d like to do. Make up some meals to keep in the freezer for a crazy day. Focus on making mealtimes easier for your family.
Thursdays might be your office day. Make your meal plans. Organize your homeschool papers. Pay bills and prepare for next week. This is the day for dealing with all the paperwork in your house.
Fridays focus on cleaning the house. This allows you to have a clean house for any weekend entertaining. You can relax and enjoy a quiet weekend with your family.
Use a Plan to Create a Weekly Cleaning Routine
Don’t worry about trying to find the perfect system for your family. You’ll spend an eternity searching. Instead, pick the system which attracts you the most and go for it.
If it doesn’t work, move to another approach.
Remember a well-run homeschool depends upon a well-run house. After all, you can’t homeschool on a table covered with syrup.
Create your weekly cleaning routine today!
Read more in the 31 Days to a Well-Run Homeschool series!
This is so, so wonderful because, even though we do chores twice a day and a deep clean every six weeks, my house is still a wreck! (12 people in one small huse will do that to you!) I’m pinning this to refer back to over and over!
Thanks for sharing these systems – it’s inspiring me to look at a new way of organizing my cleaning chores as we head into a new year.
My pleasure, Tracy! I hope you find a wonderful way of organizing your cleaning chores this next year. 🙂