You Need These 5 Incredible Resources for a Well-Run Homeschool

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There’s a lot I haven’t touched on during this 31-day romp through the well-run homeschool. There’s so much to say and so little time to say it! Needless to say, I’ll keep right on writing about creating a well-run homeschool in your house when October is over. Right now I’d like to mention 5 resources for a well-run homeschool that are super helpful as you plan, organize, and teach in the well-run homeschool.

5 incredible resources you need for a well-run homeschool.

1. Homeschool & Day Planner

My Homeschool & Day Planner is designed to help moms of large families keep their homeschools and lives organized! There are weekly calendar pages and weekly homeschool planning pages side by side. So you can easily track appointments, to-dos, and schoolwork. You’ll find the dated planners in my shop and undated planners in the resource library.

Homeschool and Day Planner

2. Simplified OrganizationSimplified Organization eCourse

Mystie Winkler created an entire course on helping you get organized without going insane trying to adjust to a complicated system. It’s a lovely, simple plan which works! If you’d like a preview, I highly recommend the Brain Dump. It was a life-changing concept for me!

Simplified Organization

3. Notebooking PagesAll the notebooking pages you could ever need!

Notebooking Pages is an awesome resource for any homeschooler. Essentially you have the kids read, research, or study a topic. It can be the U.S. Presidents, explorers, states, countries, birds, science, trees, etc. There’s no limit to the range of topics you can use for notebooking pages. You print up a page for the children. They write about what they learned. My 1st grader writes a sentence. My 11th grader writes a short essay. The children also have the option of illustrating their notebook page. You end up with a beautiful record of everything your children studied over the year.

Notebooking Pages

4. Better Together: Strengthen Your Family, Simplify Your Homeschool, and Savor the Subjects that Matter Most

Morning time is a beautiful ritual to begin the homeschool day. It can also be a lovely regrouping time in the middle of the day. My family tends to have ‘morning time’ over lunch. Pam created morning time plans to help you set up and create a beautiful morning time for your family, a morning time routine that will become the heart of your homeschool.

Better Together

5. The Organized Life

Don’t miss this practical guide to organizing your homeschool. Dr. Melanie Wilson walks you through every step you need to take to get your homeschool life in order. Seriously, it’s a week-by-week approach to organization. You begin in January with daily devotions and daily routine challenges. December ends with a curriculum review and getting the house company ready. It’s just what you need to organize your homeschool life!

The Organized Homeschool Life

These 5 resources for a well-run homeschool will help you create a homeschool that you love and adore.

A homeschool you and your kids enjoy.

Which resources do you use to create a well-run homeschool in your home?

Read more posts in the 31 Days to a Well-Run Homeschool series!

resources for a well-run homeschool

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  1. We do need to plan so that our homeschool will run smoothly. Whether it be on a piece of paper with a pencil or some more elaborate way, a plan for your day is super important to avoid chaos.

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