How I Aligned History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1

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Aligning History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1

Last year as we were restarting the history cycle, I aligned History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1 for my family.

Since families are beginning to plan the next school year, I thought I’d refresh the post for readers who are looking to align History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1.

The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome proceeds on a chronological basis. The chapters alternate between various civilizations or even discuss several civilizations at the same time.

Tapestry of Grace, on the other hand, moves from civilization to civilization. It begins with 3 weeks in Egypt, a week is spent on China, another week studying India, and a week learning about the Americas.

China and India are covered much more extensively by The History of the Ancient World than Tapestry of Grace. Tapestry spends more time covering Israel and Biblical history though. In addition, Tapestry covers the ancient Americans but The History of the Ancient World does not.

When I sat down to align History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1, it quickly became apparent some weeks of Tapestry had up to 15 chapters associated with it. Other weeks had no corresponding chapters at all.

In addition, my children told me they preferred to read History of the Ancient World straight through rather than jump from chapter to chapter. I do want to use the discussions from Tapestry of Grace, which I absolutely adore.

Another factor I considered was the amount of reading I wanted my children to complete any given week.

Tapestry begins Year 1 with 3 weeks of studying Egypt before jumping back to cover Sumer and creation. After some thought and discussion with my husband, I have decided to use Tapestry of Grace’s alternative which is to cover weeks 4-6 before weeks 1-3.

History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1 aligned

The pdf at the bottom of the post is how I aligned History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace Year 1.

  • The first column covers the weeks of Tapestry of Grace we will cover and in which order.
  • The second column shows the direct alignment of The History of the Ancient World and Tapestry of Grace.
  • The third column shows my reading plan for The History of the Ancient World.

I did have to do a bit of juggling to get everything to fit as I wanted. With only a couple of exceptions, the children will be reading straight through The History of the Ancient World. There are no more than three chapters to be read any given week.

A few discussions, such as the one on China, are postponed until the children have read the chapters covering the civilization.

A few times I have chapters in parenthesis. These chapters are to be reviewed as we covered the material when they showed up chronologically, but they also pertain to that week’s discussion in Tapestry of Grace.

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  1. Isn’t it funny how we (homeschool moms) always have an idea of just what we want, but nothing seems to quite fit =) If only we had unlimited time and then we could each create the perfect curriculum for our family. It sounds like you are doing a great job, though!

  2. That looks like a wonderful resource!

    I’m planning to start Tapestry this fall with my lower grammar student, and I’m hoping to align TOG with Story of the World, mixing activities and books from the two resources. Have you by any chance done that, or know of anyone who has?

    I’ll start making purchases in June, so I should have plenty of time to do it myself, but I’d rather not reinvent the wheel! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing this! When my youngest reaches high school age, I will probably consider using Bauer’s History of the Ancient World as a spine. Right now, thanks to you sharing about using SOTW as a spine, I am pairing up TOG Year 1 with where we are at in SOTW Volume 1, and am proceeding through SOTW in order of the book, using TOG along with the chapters as we read them.

  4. While I’m not a homeschooling mom, I can appreciate the thought that goes into all the planning and teaching. And this proves that for me 100%. Great post for inspiring others on this journey.
    Thanks for linking up at the Shine Blog Hop!

  5. I’m curious if you are planning to do something similar next year, combining *The History of the Medieval World* and Tapestry, Year 2. We’ll be using TOG Year 2 (for the second time) next year, and I’m considering having my 14yo read SWB’s book.

    1. Now that you mention it, yes, I’ll be happy to do so. It will have to be both the History of the Medieval World and the History of the Renaissance. Tapestry rushes through both periods during the Year 2 race. 🙂 It will take me a couple weeks, but I should have them correlated by the end of June… I hope.

      1. Did you make the ToG Year 2 & 3 sheets for History of the Medieval World and the History of the Renaissance? We are planning to use them with ToG as well.

  6. Yes, I know what you mean about TOG rushing through those periods. The last time we went through TOG Y2, I spread it over two years. I haven’t decided what we are going to do this go-round.

    I’ll look forward to seeing your plan for combining SWB’s books with TOG Y2!

  7. I have been scouring the internet for a 36 week schedule for History of the Ancient World. Thank you SO much for sharing yours!

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